Joining the Our Secret platform is an easy process, and it’s completely safe and secure. The first step is to head over to the Our Secret website at and register.
Enter your details to continue with sign up, you can use an alias name (username will be setup later). Enter a valid email address and choose a password.
Select Agree to our Terms and Conditions, and complete the captcha if required.
You’ll be asked to verify your account by confirming your email address. You should have received an email into your inbox (please also check junk mail). Then click the link on the email to verify your account.
Once your email address is verified you are required to complete your user profile. We recommend you to add a profile picture and cover photo of yourself. Also you are required to set up your personal username, alias name and date of birth (your date of birth is not revealed on our-secret); you can also complete the optional fields and include your social media links, your gender and more.
Afterwards, you will need to submit an ID to verify your identity and your age. At Our-Secret, we take user and creator safety very seriously. Verification is not instant and we manually verify that every creator is over 18 years old. This process can take up to 12 hours to be completed, and your identity is not shared on our-secret. This process is only for proof of age strictly.
This process may take a while because it’s crucial to keep the our-secret community safe. You can help move the verification process by ensuring the documentation you provide is government issued (e.g. ID Card, Passport etc.) and displays a photo of yourself, your name and full date of birth.
Once your creator account is approved, you can begin using the platform and creating content!